Thursday 13 October 2011

Running Man !

Mike Perrett is running in the Cardiff Half Marathon on Sunday 16th October. I was hoping to join him but have an injured foot that has stopped me from training for the past four weeks. Mike supports the PTA at every opportunity and has offered to run on behalf of the PTA if anyone would like to sponsor him for the 13.1miles.
If you do wish to make a donation place it in an envelope marked ‘PTA run’.
Many thanks, Mr Roberts 

Tuesday 5 July 2011

PTA Summer Parties - Thursday 7th July

Nursery/Infant TeddyBear's Picnic  - 5.00pm to 6.30pm  -
Each child to bring packed lunch, drink and a teddy bear - Entry £1 per child
All children to be collected form the hall by a adult.

Junior Talent Show  - 7pm to 9pm
Entry £1 per child
All children to be collected form the hall by an adult

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Easter Fayre - Wednesday 30th March

This will be non uniform day. Children are asked to bring forfeit - letter going out this week.
One book of raffle tickets will be given to each child - lots of prizes! If you need more tickets ask in the school office.

The fayre will start straight after school.

Many thanks